Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Special Needs

Well, my week has turned to shit, hasn't it. Just like my entire life, in fact.

Working in the frackin shop yesterday, I walk straight into one of those mobile units, the ones with wheels on and sharp corners, where you hang things up. Tore my ankle virtually apart. Ultra pain!

And then, as I was limping in agony, some German comes up and asks if he can try one of the boots that are on display.

Two world wars, and the 1966 World Cup, and he asks me if I can get him a size 8! The cheek of the bastard! Me, virtually crippled, only his type would dare impose on a disabled person like that! The stupid pratt!

Swollen to buggery today. Got one of those support things from Boots. Like an extra thick sock. I guess stilettos will be out for the weekend. Got the Pet Shop Boys at Sadlers Wells too. Bollox!

Got two more days at the shop - oh wah! Will this suffering ever end? Hang on, only got 10 fags left. Just gonna hobble to the off licence!


Chairman Bill said...

Join the ranks of the unemployed - like me.

Unknown said...

Some hold the view that nothing is an accident -these things are self inflicted for some subconscious purpose. Like Sunday when I must have thrown myself over a load of pots in the garden and sprained (I think) my wrist. I still ended up doing the washing up (a man's got to do what a man's got do).

PS Lived in Germany in 66.

Polly said...

Ow, you poor thing, hope that your ankle feels better soon.